Choosing the best ball is essential for your game..
Go cadence, not bad for a first-timer...
Posing after half-way playing...
Here's peter.. Man he's good..
He went for strike just at the first try.. Takpe, takpe...
Final score.. It's a draw with me and peter...
The shoes here were quite nice, still new, so no worries if playing here..
well, that's all from us. See the finger, we are saying get ready for part 2 of our day. Hehehe.. Anyway, cadence was great. I couldn't believe she was very good at this game. And peter is now officially my rival now. hehehe.. Anyways, i'll stop here. Until we meet again, part 2...
Ready for part 2...
P/S: one game is around RM 5.60 during weekends and public holidays. I forgot about weekdays. And shoes rental is around RM 2.00.
-dlanor mrota--17 march 2009-
ketua jahat is coming to up yo!!!
ingat papa jahat..
rupanya ketua jahat plak...
ronald.. change spec ah..
y look like omoz same wif me de..
u tiru me ah... hehe...
All the above pictures are really enjoyable for her week days. he spend more time for this place one. inside lots of games are available. once you paid registration fees means all the game will you played.
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